Saturday 9 September 2017

Elecraft K1 discontinued

Elecraft has announced that it has discontinued the K1 transceiver. I'm not surprised as this had been predicted some time back.

Component availability had been an issue, and technology has moved on.

Luckily, a local ham managed to get one of the last K1s after reading about them - and seeing this blog.

I'd like to thank Elecraft for producing a great little radio and for supporting QRP. There's always the KX2 and KX3!

1 comment:

  1. I've got a K2 with all the extras, and it's a pretty good radio, considering I built and aligned it myself.

    Thanks for stopping by the Iowa. I used to be the Station Manager for NI6bb before I turned over the duties to Ron.

    73, Jim KQ6EA
